Nico Schouten Europees kampioen (65+)

Nico Schouten is Europees kampioen geworden in de categorie 65+.

Een prachtig resultaat. Schaaksite feliciteert hierbij Nico met deze titel.

Nico op de linkerfoto naast Kasparov

Commentaar op de website van het toernooi:

In the Open 65+ category the dutchman Nico Schouten, after being matched in 1st place in the penultimate round, did value his excellent form and won his last match, granting the title of European Champion in a great game and a great tournament where he won more than 50 elo points. With a total sum of 7.5 points in 9 possible, he was joined on the podium by two Russian players Vladimir Beznosikov with 7 points and Alexander Kuyindzhi 6.5.

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