Giri over Stavanger 2014

Ruim van tevoren kreeg ik het nieuws dat ik kon deelnemen aan NorwayChess 2014, dus verheugde ik mij al enige tijd op het meedoen aan een evenement op zo hoog niveau. Zonder twijfel is dit het sterkste toernooi van het jaar waarin ondergetekende als 14e in de wereld (vermoedelijk wat geflatteerd) als 9e op de plaatsingslijst prijkte. De deelnemerslijst bevatte vrijwel alle grote namen waaronder Carlsen, Aronian, Kramnik, Topalov, Caruana, Karjakin, Grischuk, Svidler en de plaatselijke grootheid Simen Agdestein (niet te verwarren met Espen Agdestein, de manager van Carlsen). Plaats van handeling was de welvarende en rustige stad Stavanger, ook wel bekend als Europa’s oliehoofdstad, in het zuidwesten van Noorwegen.
Ik weid gewoonlijk niet uit over toeristische wetenswaardigheden, dus sla ik dat ook ditmaal over en beperk ik mij tot het schaken.
Mr. Onverslaanbaar
Voorafgaand aan de eerste ronde speelden we een spannend snelschaaktoernooi om de loting te bepalen. Met trillende handen slaagde ik erin een paar behoorlijk gespeelde partijen te winnen en tegen het einde zat ik de koploper op de hielen. Toen ik het beoogde doel (5x wit en 4x zwart) bijna bereikt had, verloor ik de laatste drie partijen en eindigde ik als zesde, vlak achter de vijf gelukkigen die eenmaal meer wit kregen in het eigenlijke toernooi. De loting bepaalde vervolgens dat ik in de eerste ronde met zwart moest optornen tegen Magnus Carlsen, dus ik moest al direct mijn reputatie waarmaken als de enige speler van wie de Grote Carlsen nog nooit had kunnen winnen. Tijdens de partij kreeg ik het heel benauwd, maar gelukkig kon ik de partij remise houden om zodoende mijn imago van Mr. Onverslaanbaar te handhaven.
Carlsen, M. – Giri, A.
1. c4 c5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nc3 d5 4. cxd5 Nxd5 5. e3
I expected something like this, but not exactly this, as it often happens.
5…Nxc3 6. bxc3 Qc7
I suddenly remembered an idea that came to me a while ago. While it looks somewhat unnatural, this move has a very clever idea behind. 6…g6 is main-move and can be answered with 7. h4!? which my move 6…Qc7 is trying to avoid.
7. d4 g6
now h4 would also be possible, but white already commited himself to d2-d4 which means that it will be easier for black to meet the flank attack with a strike in the center!
8. Bb5+ 8. Bd3?! cxd4! reveals another point behind Qc7. Now there is suddenly an annoying check on c3. 9. cxd4 Qc3+
8…Bd7 9. a4
this is a positional way of playing, which generally should be quite harmless.
9…Bg7 10. O-O O-O 11. Ba3 b6 11…Bxb5!? was easier, but I didn’t like the idea of improving the pawn structure of the guy who really cares about stuff like pawn structure..:)
12. dxc5 bxc5 13. Qd5 Bxb5 13…a6!? seemed very interesting to me, but it felt too risky. 14. Qxa8 axb5 15. Qe4 Bc6 16. Qh4 Bxc3 looked very messy, especially as some Ng5!? could come, but in fact black seems to be doing totally alright here.
14. axb5 Nd7 15. Rfd1 15. Rad1 Rfd8 16. c4 was what I was expecting. Now the position is very quiet and equal- 16…Rac8 17. Qe4 Nb6 should be equal. Black’s slightly worse pawn structure on the queenside is compensated by the dumbness of the a3 bishop.
15…Rfd8 16. Ng5!?
This move caught me by surprise, not because I didn’t see the move itself, but because of the exchange sacrifice which was to follow.
I took a long time for this move which lead to a lot of questions, but in fact I was obviously spending time on the consequences and decisions that I would have to make after the forced 17.Qc6.
17. Qc6 Qxc6?!
17…Rac8 was better, after all. 18. Ne4?! was the move that got me worried, but in fact I underestimated the following idea- 18…Qb6! I briefly considered this and somehow I was fearing both, the endgame and the queen sacrifice. Neither are good for white. 19. Qxb6 [19. Rxd7? this simply doesn’t work- 19…Rxc6 20. bxc6 Rc8! 21. c7 Bf8!] 19…axb6 and although there are scenarious of such endgame going wrong for black, here the silly bishop on a3 is the determining factor.
18. bxc6 Ne5 19. c7 Rdc8 20. f4
originally, before Magnus played 16.Ng5, I was intending to go Ng4 here, with the idea Rd7 Nf6. In fact I was hoping that my opponent would miss this idea! Unfortunately, I quite quickly realized that it was me who missed something.
the move is not difficult to find, but it took me a lot of time to figure out that the arising position is actually not lost. 20…Ng4 21. Rd7 Nf6 22. Rad1! and white is just winning.
21. Ne4 Nc4 22. Rd7 Nb6 23. Rad1! Nxd7 24. Rxd7 Bf8! 25. c4 a5!
this was the position I was heading for. Now I was calculating the ideas with Nf6+ and after checking and rechecking my calculations I came to the conclusion that I am surviving here.
26. Nc3!?
this one caught me by surprise and got me feeling very miserable. Suddenly I realized that my pieces are tied down with no counterplay. The only thing that gave my hope, was the unsatisfied face of my opponent.
26. Nf6+! Kh8! was the move that took me a lot of time to find. Now white has no easy way to break through. The a-pawn is a serious source of counterplay in the future complications. 27. g4!! I was fearing this idea in some lines with Rxf7, but it was always too slow, so I convinced myself that it shouldn’t work. However, after analysing this position for a while, it appears to me, that this would lead to a victory. [27. Rxf7?! Bg7!] 27…a4 [27…Ra7 28. Bb2!] 28. g5 Ra7 29. Bb2! a3 30. Ba1 a2 the pawn reached very far, but it seems that it can’t make the final step… 31. Kf2 [31. e4!? might be winning too, but white doesn’t need to hurry.] 31…hxg5 this opens the h-file, but the pawn on h6 is otherwise vulnerable.
[31…Kg7 32. Ng4+! Kg8 33. gxh6+-]
[31…e5 32. Nd5!]
32. fxg5 e5!? other moves lose too. Eventually the idea is e4 Rd3-h3.
[32…Raxc7 33. Ne8+ Kg8 34. Nxc7 Bg7 35. Bxg7 Kxg7 36. Nxe6+! Kg8 37. Ra7 fxe6 38. Rxa2+-]
[32…Kg7 33. Ke2 Kh8 34. Rd3 Raxc7 35. e4+-]
[32…Rb7 33. e4 Rb1 34. Rd8 Rxa1 35. Rxc8 Rf1+ 36. Kxf1 a1=Q+ 37. Kg2 Qb2+ 38. Kg3 Qb3+ 39. Kh4 Kg7 40. Rxf8+-]
33. Nd5! Kg8 34. e4 Rb7 [34…Kh8 35. Bxe5+ Bg7 36. Nf6 Raxc7 37. Rd3] 35. Nf6+ Kg7 36. Bxe5 Rbxc7 37. Nd5+ Kg8 38. Nxc7 Bg7 39. Bxg7 Kxg7 40. Ne6+ Kg8 41. Ra7 fxe6 42. Rxa2 Rd8 43. Ke3 Rd4 44. Kf4! Rxc4 45. Ke5+-
26…a4 27. Nb5
at first I thought I would have to stand on the place and wait till white finds the way forward. This can be very painful, last very long, and bound to end badly for the defender.
it occured to me that I can create a threat of Re7 after shifting my rooks to e8 and c8 and so I got some optimism back.
28. e4
28. Bb2!? was very unpleasant and I saw this idea during the game. Magnus, however, suddenly accepted the peaceful outcome. 28…Rac8 29. Bf6! is the point. [29. Be5 Ra8! 30. Bf6 Bg7] 29…Bg7! 30. Bd8 Bb2!? the most human, creaitng some real threats. [30…g5!? 31. g3 gxf4 32. gxf4 Bb2 might be even more precise, but perhaps white has some options on move 31.] 31. Nd6 Rxc7 32. Bxc7 Ra8 33. Nxf7 a3 34. Nxh6+ Kh8 35. Be5+ Bxe5 36. Nf7+ Kg8 37. Nxe5 a2 38. Rd1 a1=Q 39. Rxa1 Rxa1+ 40. Kf2 Rc1 should lead to a draw.
28. Kf2 is essentially the same as 28.e4 28…Rac8 29. Na7 Ra8 30. Nc6 Rec8 31. Rd8
now it’s a forced draw. The threat is Re7.
29. Na7 Ra8 30. Nb5
30. Nc6!? was the only way to continue and was definitely worth a try 30…Rec8 31. Rd8 Kg7!? it is wise to improve the position of the king first- [31…Rxc7 32. Rxa8 Rxc6 33. Kf2 white keeps some symbolic pressure here, though it’s nothing special.] 32. Kf2 f6 33. g4 Kf7 34. Kf3 Rxc7 35. Rxa8 Rxc6 now it should be an easy draw.
30…Rac8 31. Na7 Ra8 32. Nb5
De remise met zwart tegen de wereldkampioen mag dan een goed resultaat lijken, maar eigenlijk was ik nog lang niet in vorm en ik speelde zeer langzaam. Ik miste een fraaie kans.
Agdestein, S. – Giri, A.
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. Nc3 Bb4 5. cxd5 exd5 6. Bg5 Nbd7 7. Qa4 c5 8. dxc5 Bxc3+ 9. bxc3 O-O 10. Qb4 h6 11. Bh4 Re8 12. e3 Re4 13. Qa3 Qe7 14. Be2 Nxc5 15. O-O b6
the opening was quite unusual and demanding from both players and right now it seemed to me that my position should be quite comfortable.
16. Rfd1?
this one bothered me, with the idea Rd4!. I was thinking about all kinds of ideas, but the beautiful tactical motive escaped my attention. 16. Rad1=
now the game is back to it’s logical course and I no longer had any chances.
16…Rxh4!! 17. Nxh4 Nfe4 18. Nf3
[18. f3 Nd6 (18…Nf2=+) 19. Rxd5 Qxe3+ 20. Kh1 Qxe2 21. Rxd6 Qe7! 22. Rd4 g5 <Black has a moderate advantage>]
18…Nxf2! and the a3-e7 x-ray suddenly works against the white player. 19. Rf1 [19. Kxf2? Ne4+-+] 19…Nfd3 [19…Ng4!? 20. Qc1=+] 20. Bxd3 Qxe3+ 21. Kh1 Nxd3 leaves black with more than enough compensation for the exchange, though of course the game would continue.
17. Bg3 Bg4 18. Rd4 Re8 19. h3 Bf5 20. Nd2 Rxd4 21. cxd4 Nce4 22. Qxe7 Rxe7 23. Nxe4 Nxe4 24. Bh2 Nc3 25. Bf1 Re6 26. a4 a5 27. Bb8 Rc6 28. Ba7 Bc2 29. Bb5 Re6 30. Rc1 Bxa4 31. Rxc3 Bxb5 32. Rb3 Bc4 33. Rxb6 Rxb6 34. Bxb6 a4 35. Bc5 f5 36. f4 1/2-1/2
Geluk en tegenspoed
In de derde ronde verloor ik een belachelijke partij tegen Kramnik. Ik speelde de opening buitengewoon slecht en ofschoon de voormalige wereldkampioen me menige kans gaf, kon ik daarvan geen gebruik maken.
Na een ietwat slordige remise tegen Caruana, versloeg ik Topalov al moet ik direct toevoegen dat mijn tegenstander een dramatische eerste toernooihelft kende.
In de zesde ronde kwam ik goed voorbereid aan het bord tegen Aronian. Dankzij een slimmigheidje bracht ik hem in grote moeilijkheden, maar uiteindelijk bleek mijn pluspion slechts een symbolisch plusje en ik had eigenlijk geen werkelijke kans om die partij te winnen.
Mijn partij met wit tegen Karjakin was mijn laatste kans om nog tot grote daden te komen, dus ik was in de stemming om er echt tegenaan te gaan. Ik had het geluk dat mijn openingsstrategie buitengewoon goed werkte en ik bereikte een comfortabel voordeel. Ik bepaalde vrijwel heel de partij de gang van zaken en mijn voordeel werd almaar groter. Ten slotte probeerde Sergei een onverwoestbare vesting op te bouwen. Ik vond al snel een methode om die te slechten, maar in plaats van dit plan uit te voeren en tijd te sparen, ging ik die tijd investeren om de gevolgen van mijn riskante doorbraak door te rekenen. Uiteindelijk speelde ik het dan toch, maar de tijd tikte onverbiddelijk door en ik maakte er een puinhoop van.
Giri, A. – Karjakin, Sergey
1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. Nc3 Nc6 4. g3 d5 5. cxd5 Nxd5 6. Bg2 Nc7 7. a3 g6 8. h4 h6 9. d3 Bg7 10. Be3 Ne6 11. O-O O-O?! 12. Na4! Ncd4 13. Rc1 Qd6 14. Nd2 Bd7 15. Bxd4! Qxd4 16. Nc3 Rab8 17. Nc4 Bc6 18. Bxc6 bxc6 19. e3 Qd7 20. Qc2+= Rfd8 21. Rfd1 h5 22. Qe2 Rb3 23. Na5 Rb6 24. Rc2 Qc7 25. Nc4 Rb3 26. Nd2 Rb7 27. Nc4 Rb3 28. Rdc1 Rb7 29. Rd2 Rb3 30. Qd1 Rdb8 31. Ne4 Qd8 32. Nc3 Qc7 33. Kg2 Qd8 34. Rdc2 R3b7 35. Qe2 Rd7 36. Rd2 Rb3 37. Qd1 Rdb7 38. Qf3 Qd7 39. Rcc2 Rb8 40. Qd1 Qd8 41. Kh2 Nf8 42. Ne4 Ne6 43. Kg1 R8b7 44. Kh2 Rd7 45. Nc3 Rdb7 46. Qf3 Qc7 47. Ne2 Rb8 48. Qe4 Rd8 49. Nc3 Nf8 50. Kg2 Rdb8 51. Na4 R3b5 52. Rd1 Bf6 53. Rb1 Nd7 54. Rh1 Nb6 55. Naxb6! axb6 56. Rb1! Qd7 56…Rb3 57. Nd2 Rb5 58. b4+=
57. b3 <White has a moderate advantage> Rd8 58. Rd2 Bc3 59. Rdd1 Bf6 60. Kg1 Qc8 61. Kf1 Rd5 62. Ke2 Qd7 63. Qf3 Qe6 64. Qg2 Qg4+ 65. f3 Qe6 66. f4 Bg7 67. Qf3 Qh3 68. Rh1 Qd7 69. e4 Rd4 70. Rhd1 Qh3 71. Rh1 Qd7 72. Rhf1 f5 73. e5 e6 74. Rfd1 Qb7 75. a4 Ra5 76. Nxa5 bxa5 <White has a moderate advantage> 77. Rdc1 Bf8 78. Rc3 Kf7 79. Qh1 Ke8 80. Rc4 Kd7 81. Qe1 Qb6 82. Qc3 Be7 83. Rc1 Rd5 84. Qc2 Kc7 85. Rd1 Rd4 86. Qa2 Rd5 87. Rdc1 Kb7 88. Qa3 Qd8 89. Rd1 Rd4 90. Qc1 Qd5 91. Kf2 Qd8 92. Qc3 Qb6 93. Ke2 Kc7 94. Rd2 Kb7 95. Kd1 Kc7 96. Kc2 Bf8 97. Kb1 Be7 98. Ka2 Bf8 99. Rd1 Be7 100. Rc1 Bf8 101. Qd2 Be7 102. R1c3 Bf8 103. Qf2 Kb7 104. Qg2 Be7 105. Qh1 Bf8 106. Qf1 Be7 107. Rc2 Bf8 108. Rd2 Be7 109. Qf2 Rd5 110. Qf3 Rd4 111. Rdc2 Bf8 112. R2c3 Be7 113. Qh1 Bf8?!
I already had this position once before and with 50 move rule approaching, I realized I should grab my chance. 113…Rd5! would stop my idea and I have no idea why Sergei didn’t play this move. The rook will return to d4, once my pieces are badly positioned for the g4-break.
114. Rxd4! cxd4 115. Rc4 115. Rc2!? had it’s own advantages and disadvantages. The d4 pawn is not under control, but the rook might switch to the kingside later on.
115…Bb4 116. g4!
only chance, so I had to try it.
116…hxg4 116…fxg4 117. Qe4! Qc7 118. Qxg6 Qd7 119. Qxh5 Qd5 120. Qxg4 Qh1 keeps some drawing chances, but the endgame is difficult after 121. Qe2 Bc3 122. Rxc3 dxc3 123. Qc2 Qxh4 124. Qxc3 Qxf4 125. Qxa5 Qd4 126. Qd2 <White has a moderate advantage>
117. h5 gxh5 118. Qxh5 c5?!
this one caught me by surprise and with no time, I lost track of it.
118…Qc7 was the move I expected. Here white has a lot of choice. 119. Qe8! the strongest move, but frankly I don’t think it was the one I was leaning towards. I was mostly choosing between Rxd4 and Qg6 Rc2-h2-h7 idea, which doesn’t work due to queen appearing on d5.
[119. Rxd4 Bc5 120. Rc4 Be3 is unclear.]
[119. Qg6 Qd7! 120. Rc2 Qd5! 121. Rh2 Kb6 neither side can make progress here.]
119…Qc8 [119…g3 120. Qxe6 is lost for black. He can’t really promote the g-pawn.] 120. Qxc8+ Kxc8 121. Rxc6+ Kd7 122. Rc2 this endgame is another fortress, but this one too, can be broken with a well timed breakthrough. 122…Ke7 123. Kb2 Kf7 [123…Kd7 if king stands in the centre, the breakthrough seems unavoidable too. 124. Kc1 Bc3 125. Rh2 Kc6 126. Kd1 Kc7 127. Ke2 Bb4 128. Rh7+ Kd8 129. Kf2 Bd2 130. Ra7 Bb4 131. Kg2 Be1 132. Ra6 Ke7 133. Rd6 Bc3 134. b4!] 124. Re2 Kg6 125. Kc2 Kh5 126. Rh2+ Kg6 127. Kd1 Kg7 128. Ke2 Bc3 129. Kf2 Bb4 130. Kg2 Bc3 131. Rh1 Bb4 132. Kg3 Bd2 133. Rd1 Bc3 134. Rc1 Kf7 135. b4!! Bxb4 136. Rc7+ and it is still not easy, but white is winning here. If Kg6, eventually the d4 pawn will fall due to zugzwang and if Kf8, the white king will enter via h4.
118…Ka7!! this move obviously escaped our attention, but it’s the one that holds the draw. The idea is the same as in the game, just the version is better. 119. Qf7+ [119. Rc2 c5!] 119…Qb7 120. Qxe6 c5 121. Rc2 [121. Qxf5 Qg2+ 122. Kb1 Qd2 leads to a perpetual check, by one of the sides.] 121…Qh1 122. Qd7+ Kb8 123. e6 the best try [123. Qxf5 Bc3=] 123…Bc3 124. Rxc3 dxc3 125. Qb5+ Kc8 126. Qxc5+ Kb7 127. Qxc3 Qh2+ 128. Ka3 Qxf4! and like a swiss watch, black is just in time- 129. Qe1 Kc6 130. e7 Qb4+ 131. Qxb4 axb4+ 132. Kxb4 Kd7 133. a5 g3 134. a6 g2 135. a7 g1=Q 136. e8=Q+ Kxe8 137. a8=Q+ Ke7 with a draw.
119. Qf7+ Ka6 120. Rc2?
my first reflex was Qd7, but suddenly I started fearing some Bc3 move, cutting my rook and I decided to be on the safe side and get my rook into the play as fast as possible.
120. Qd7! Qb7 [120…Bc3 121. Qc8+ Qb7 122. Rxc5! was probably the move that I missed.] 121. Qxe6+ Ka7 122. Rc2 Bc3 the win is still not trivial, but it seems that it is there- 123. b4!! [123. Qxf5 Qh1! would lead to a draw. White has to give a perpetual.] 123…Bxb4 if pawn takes, then white king finds a comfortable space on b3. 124. Qg8 g3 looks desparate, but otherwise Rh2 will come. 125. Qxg3 Qd5+ 126. Rc4 Qd7 127. Kb3! Qb7 128. Qh2! and since he protected from all the threats, white should win.
Here I realized that I messed it up. The rook can’t even join my attack, because black will not just give the perpetual, but he will give a checkmate! This realization got me seriously concerned.
121. Qg6 c4!?
another unpleasan t surprise. I saw that in most lines I am not losing, but I no longer have any hope of winning and it was pretty annoying to suddenly start thinking what is the easiest way of holding this position.
121…Bc3!? bothered me a lot too. Here in fact, white just has to stand. The position is a draw- 122. Qg8 [122. Rh2 c4! 123. dxc4 d3 124. Qg8 d2 125. Qd8 g3 126. Rxd2 Bxd2 127. Qxd2 g2 128. Qf2] 122…g3!? 123. Qxg3 white can also just stand and wait, in fact. The position is just a draw, pretty much no matter what. There will always be a perpetual check. 123…Qh1 124. Rb2 Qc1 125. Qg2=
122. Rxc4 Qg2+ 123. Kb1 Qf1+ 124. Rc1 124. Ka2 Qe2+ 125. Ka1 Qe1+ 126. Ka2 Qd2+ 127. Kb1 Qxd3+ 128. Ka2 Qe2+ 129. Kb1 Qd1+ 130. Ka2 Qe2+ 131. Kb1 Qf1+ 132. Ka2 Qg2+ 133. Kb1
124…Qxd3+ 125. Ka2 Qe2+ 126. Kb1 Qe4+
I suddenly realized there will follow Qd5! with my king on a1. That got me sweating.
127. Ka2 Qg2+ 128. Ka1 Qd5! 129. Ka2!
fortunately on last seconds I came up with the only defense. Unfortunately, I only had the energy to come up with it once. 🙂
129…Qg2+ 130. Kb1 Qd5 131. Rc4??
While some people assumed I am so insane that I avoid a draw, in fact my idea was that this move would force the perpetual check, while Ka2 felt somewhat dubious, as my rook would stay quite passive on c2.
131. Ka2 Bc3 132. Rc2 here I was a little bit worried for my position, thinking that black might potentially come up with another resource and pose me some more problems with my time constantly ticking away. It seems that there is no such resource though. 132…Qc6 [132…d3 133. Rxc3 d2 134. Qe8 d1=Q 135. Rc6+ is the line I saw.] 133. Qg8=
and it hit me that black is in fact threatening mate. Fortunately I was too tired to be really upset, otherwise it might have been quite painful.
Hierna volgde een rustdag, maar met de score -1 met nog twee ronden te gaan, kon ik niet langer meedoen voor de hoofdprijzen.
Voorbereiding voor het volgende toernooi
Ik overleefde een zeer dubieuze Benoni tegen Grischuk. Deze geniale Rus moet soms boeten voor zijn ambitieuze tijdsindeling.
In de laatste ronde speelde ik zeer langzaam tegen Peter Svidler. Toen ik de kans kreeg op zetherhaling, besloot ik dat we in de laatste twee weken genoeg geschaakt hadden.
Alles overziende kan ik noch over mijn spel, noch over mijn score tevreden zijn, hoewel ik beslist vaker het geluk aan mijn zijde had dan andersom. Het keerpunt was ongetwijfeld de totale ineenstorting in mijn partij tegen Karjakin, die vervolgens zijn beide laatste partijen won. Mijn felicitaties aan hem!
Er is gelukkig nog wat tijd om op adem te komen en mij voor te bereiden op het volgende serieuze toernooi. In juli speel ik in Biel. Dat belooft weer een boeiend toernooi te worden!
Volgende keer iets minder achteruitschaak spelen.
Catenaccio is inmiddels in de mode in Nederland!
Giri heeft volgens mij erg goed gespeeld en hij is natuurlijk een strateeg.
Giri beschikt gelukkig wel over zelfkennis, een prettige eigenschap:
In de derde ronde verloor ik een belachelijke partij tegen Kramnik. Ik speelde de opening buitengewoon slecht
Die partij was inderdaad niet om aan te gluren.